Sunday, July 7, 2013

Day 71--Jully 7, 2013

          Today was like being back in Jax.  We went to Costco, Wal-Mart and Sam's Club.  And it wasn't a run in a pick up a couple of things.  It was 2 buggies at each place and having to eat lunch at an in-house fast food to keep up our strength.  After we left what I thought was the last store, Richard said he was going to run into Best Buy to find "TV Ears."
           We had asked at all the other stores if they sold "TV Ears" but all we got were looks like we had an extra ear of our own struck right in the middle of our foreheads.  But Richard was on a mission.  You see, my dear husband has been stricken with something that has already hit his brothers.  It's called losing his hearing.  Lordy, Lordy, before we left home he had at least 50% of his hearing, but since then he is at about 15% now.  He never hears anything I say the first time I say it.  When he asks, "Huh?"  I raise my voice.  Then he says I don't have to yell.  Unfortunately, I do.  Anyway, television reception has been hit and miss.  So, we've been watching DVDs.
          I spend half my time telling him what the actors said.  My favorite thing he asks is, "Are they speaking English?"
          Anyway, I told him I saw on As Seen On TV this apparatus that let's you hear the television from across the room.  It also said you could hear your neighbors talking while they are in their yard and you are in yours, but I didn't tell Richard that.
          Back at Best Buy, he asked if I wanted to go in, and I begged off and leaned back for a short rest.  He'd only been gone a few seconds when I looked out the windshield and saw a sign for 10 minute parking for big package loading.  I felt like a criminal.  I won't even park in the handicap parking even though Richard has a disable sticker.  If I'm driving, I never park in the handicap even if it is pouring down.  There I was illegally parked.  I kept looking over my shoulder, and all around to see if someone was giving me a dirty look.
          Richard was only gone about 6 minutes.  When he got in the van I told him he was illegally parked.  I pointed to the sign.  10 minutes-Big package pickup.  He said, "I was only gone 6 minutes, and I left my big package parked here." 
         His knot on this head should be cleared up by the time the kids start arriving.
Until next time,


  1. When we were in Anchorage, I said "If someone blindfolded me and dropped me here, I wouldn't know what state I was in. All the big chain restaurants and stores are here." So if anyone wants a taste of the real Alaska, don't look in Anchorage. LOL

  2. LOL I could have written this blog about me and Bob! I sit in the car at the men's toy store- Home Depot. I also relay the dilogue on the TV.

  3. Yeah, Cheri, Anchorage isn't the true Alaska. But it is nice to know I can still get roasted turkey legs at Wal-Mart once in a while. :-)

  4. If there's such a thing as a Walgreens where you are, check out their "As Seen on TV" section. They carry lots of products from informercials in their store. So does WalMart. Good luck on that one. My dad is getting worse with his hearing, too. Makes conversation in restaurants especially tense. People stare at me for being so mean and yelling at the cute little old man...ah well.

  5. You have the most interesting things happen, even just shopping at Best Buy! But I like Richard's thinking....Big package pick up isn't like scoffing up a handicapped spot.

  6. Yeah, Sharon. I hear ya. I have one of those cute little old men, too. Now that I think about it, I have two, my dad and Richard. LOL

    Skye, you are right. LOL
