Monday, July 28, 2014

July 26-27, 2014

     Yesterday was the last day of the Romance Writers of America's National Conference.  During the morning, I attended a workshop which highlighted one of my publishers.  Bell Books/Belle Bridge Books/Imajinn (write for Belle Bridge Books) was represented by their Marketing Director, Danielle Childers and Imajinn Editor Brenda Chin.  They are both so energetic and show real caring for what they do and for their authors.

Brenda Chin

Danielle Childers
     I'm very pleased with this publishing house.  After listening to the new adventures going on with Belle, I'm excited to have new ideas and new projects.  News at 11.  LOL
      The night ended with the Rita Awards presentation.  There were too many people and we were too far back to get good picturs of the presentations of the golden statue.  For the past 4 days, I'd dressed in mostly business attire.  Today, I was back in jeans and tennis shoes, and I may never get out of them again.

Jeannie right after the Rita's.  We were
waiting for Jack and Richard.
     This morning we went to the Alamo.  The last time we were here, there was about as many people visiting the shrine as the count had been the day the Texans tried to defend it.  Today, it was like Santa Anna had returned with his whole army.  The lines to get into the Mission and other out buildings wove up and down like the ones you get in at Disney World.
     Originally, the mission served as a home to missionaries and their Indian converts for nearly seventy years.  In the 1800's, the Spanish military stationed a cavalry unit at the former mission.  The land had cottonwood trees surrounding.  The soldiers referred to the old mission as the Alamo, derived from the Spanish word for "cottonwood".
Here is a picture of a nice prickly pair and the cactus behind them
is nice, too.  LOL

I would love to see this plant in bloom.  It is covered with buds.
The coloring is so beautiful.
          San Antonio and the Alamo played a critical role in the Texas Revolution.  Ben Milam, soldier, colonizer, and entrepreneur from Kentucy, was killed when the Texas Revolution was just getting underway.  His leadership prior to his death inspired his fellow Texans and Tejano (Texans with Mexican heritage) to retake San Antonio in 1835 at the Siege of Baxer, and ultimately to win Texas independence.  The winning volunteers then occupied the Alamo.
The Alamo
     On February 23, 1836, General Sant Anna's army arrived to take over the Alamo.  Texans and Tejano prepared to defend the Alamo together.  Commander of the Alamo, William B. Travis sent couriers carrying pleas for help to communities in Texas.  Only 32 volunteers arrived bringing the number of defenders to nearly 200.  Among the Alamo's garrison were Jim Bowie, renowned knife fighter, and Davy Crockett, frontiersman and former congressman from Tennesee.
     The siege of the Alamo lasted thirteen days beginning February 23, 1936, ending at daybreak on the morning of March 6, 1836 when  columns of Mexican soilders headed over the walls and into the compound.  By sunrise the battle had ended, and Santa Anna entered the Alamo compound to survey the scene of his victory.
     Just a couple of things about the Sacred grounds and the Shrine of Texas Liberty:
Men are asked to remove their hats before entering.
No pictures or videos are allowed to be taken.
It is my understanding that no building is allowed to be built near the Alamo that would cast a shadow on the Mission.
There is a marker right in front of the building.  Although it is now made of metal, it represents the spot where William Travis, as the commander of the Alamo, drew a line on the ground and asked that any man willing to stay and fight to step over--all did except for one.
Until later,


  1. I always enjoy the history in your posts. Thank you for another great

  2. Glad you enjoyed your visit to the Alamo - I found it very much as I pictured it in some ways and very different in others, but inspiring and beautiful.

  3. Thanks, for the history. I, unfortunately, never made it over there because of the heat, so it's nice to "see" it through your eyes. As Vickie said, I really love your historical posts.
