Wednesday, July 23, 2014

July 21-22, 2014

     Jeannie and I went shopping at the Alamo Quarry Market in San Antonio.  As with everything in Texas, it was BIG.  Richard and Jack dropped us off around 11:00 am.  We started our trip like any woman would—lunch.  We ate at a wonderful Greek restaurant.  I had Grilled Rosemary Lemoni Chicken with couscous and Greek Salad.
     The mall is like our River City Marketplace.  Each store stands alone.  So, we had to go in and out of each store.  Yes, it was hot, but the cool breeze we were met with when we opened each door, plus the great buys inside the store made the heat worth it.  We were there until about 5:00.  BTW, I bought a $10 basket and that was it.  LOL
     The Alamo Quarry Market was once a functioning cement factory until it was abandoned.  It has now been developed into a marketplace with a Regal Cinema theater housed in the oldest building left by the cement factory.  A multitude of other businesses surround the theater.
     The developers of the Quarry kept the façade of the cement factory.  The most notable feature and landmark is the four historical smokestacks that can be seen several miles from the Quarry.  They are 204 feet high, 18 feet in diameter at the base and 15 feet in diameter at the top.  Throughout the market, there is equipment let behind by the cement factory painted and displayed.  It was a unique and interesting shopping place.
Entrance to Quarry Market and old equipment display.

View of the Quarry Market from a distance.  Notice smokestacks.
     Tomorrow (July 23) starts my first day of Romance Writers of America’s national conference.  Because of other commitments, it has been three years since I’ve attended this conference.   I'm excited to see old friends. Wednesday starting at 5:30 until 7:30, 500 authors will gather for the “Readers for Life" Literacy Autographing.  If you are in the area of the San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter & Marriott Riverwalk, stop by to meet some of your favorite romance writers.  The event is open to the public.
     If you could meet one of your favorite authors, who would that be?  Mine would be Lavryle Spencer.
Until later,

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