Wednesday, July 23, 2014

July 23, 2014 RWA National day 1

     What a great start to the Romance Writers' of America's yearly conference.  It was so much fun seeing old friends.  The booksigning appeared to be a big success according to the number of  people in the autographing hall.  Even though there was a problem with my books, I still had a place at the table with my name card (spelled wrong, but still a name card).

Me and my sign. :-)
Me and Sharon Sala at the Literacy signing.
Looking great, Sharon.


     I'll be taking pictures of some of the authors who will let me and not think I'm a stalker. 

Me, Skye Taylor, Deborah Smith, Elizabeth Sinclair

          A really fun part came at dinner time.  Deborah Smith, Vice President and Editorial Director of Belle Books/Bell Bridge Books, aka my editor, took BBB's Florida authors to dinner at one of my favorite places, Tony Romas.  Friends Jeannie and Kathleen McMahon joined us.  It was great to be in the company of women who share a love for books, whether we are writing or reading them.  Thanks DebS.  Very enjoyable evening.
     Until later,


  1. What a great way to enjoy an evening.

  2. Dinner with Deb and friends was definitely a high point in the week. Thanks DebS.
