Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Day 3 April 30, 2018
     I know everyone has heard the phrase “Be careful what you wish for.” Well, today, that truly came back to bite me in the posterior.  When we arrived in Lincolnton, I felt at peace with the beautiful surroundings here at the Lewis Family Home Place. I prayed for just a day with no problems and turmoil.

     Well, when I got up, we had no phone or internet service.  We soon found out it wasn’t just us, but the whole county. So without my lifelines, I lay back down and went to sleep.  I got up every hour and checked—No phone or internet service.  It was scary.  It was at that time I realized how my grandkids feel when I make them put their phones away and communicate with those around them.  I looked around, and there was no one to communicate with.  So back to bed.

     By the early evening, when we were reconnected to the outside world, I had given my inside eyelids a good inspection.  All is well there.

     Jeff and Sheri Easter and Bonnie and Little Roy Lewis came by the bus for a visit.  They are a hoot.  I love to hear their stories.  Jeff brought Richard a cap. The back of it says “If you don’t know me, you aren’t from around here.” Richard never meets a stranger and even here in Lincolnton, if you need something or need something fixed, he is the one to see unless it is to catch a snake.  Lizzy is the one to call for that.  She is the local snake wrangler.

      Quick story:  The other night when I was singing Richard's praises, my dear friend, Vickie King read the part of him taking the tractor out and cutting the grass.  She said she was impressed with that, but what really impressed her was that Richard carried his tractor with him.  Where does he store it, in one of the bins under the bus?  I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.  Tears and choking pretty much took over.  Finally, I was able to explain that it was Jeff's tractor parked under the pavilion.  My fun for the day. LMBO

     I’ll be back on schedule tonight. Hope you all have a good day.




  1. So glad you got your internet back. I'm again looking forward to your daily post.

  2. LOL. I didn't eat paste as a kid, but I used to rub Elmer's Glue on my hands then peel it off after it dried. Hmm. That could be the reason for my wacky thought process.

  3. Now I'm chuckling over the idea of carrying a ride around mower under that bus! Although I'm guessing there ARE things under there that might surprise me!
