Monday, April 29, 2013

Day #2 North to Alaska

It has been raining since last night and the weather man predicts more rain through Sunday.  That isn’t really good for the festival starting Thursday at the Elijah Clark State Park.  For today, we are parked at Miggie Lewis’ house, but we’ll move to the park tomorrow.  Out there we will be parked right on the Strom Thurmond Lake, and I can look out my window, through the raindrops and see the beautiful waterway. 

Over the years, I’ve done a lot of work on my books in that park.  Inspiration is all around. Sometime during the coming week, I should be able to post a few pictures.

Yesterday, on our way here, we stopped at a truck stop to eat lunch.  As we pulled in there was an elderly, homeless man sitting on the curb with a couple of plastic bags and a cardboard sign, which I didn’t get a chance to read because Richard turned the bus pretty close to the poor guy, and I was watching the terror in his eyes when he saw this humongous pile of steel coming right at him. 

It was raining a steady drizzle, and I felt a tug at my heart for the elderly, wet person.  Not that I would ever do such a thing because I watch too many shows on the ID channel, but if I had said we needed to give the guy a ride, my husband would have stopped and picked him up.  Granted, he wouldn’t have let him past the stairwell onto our new rug, but he would’ve given him a ride.

What I did do was say a silent prayer that the man would get a ride soon. 

I’d like to mention at this time that I’ve always heard that God answers all prayers.  It’s just that sometimes the answer is NO.  Also, I’ve had points where I wish I had been clearer on my prayers.

Well, after Richard and I finished eating at the truck stop, we pulled out to the main highway, and lo and behold, my prayer for the old man had been answered.  There was another obviously homeless man tying the guys bags to the handlebars of his bicycle.  The passenger then got on the bar in front of the bike owner and away they went in the rain.  I think this is a prime example of where I should have been more specific.

So you can understand what Richard and I are doing in Lincolnton, Georgia for the next two weeks, we are good friends with Little Roy Lewis (from the famous gospel bluegrass The Lewis Family), his wife, Bonnie (one of the sweetest and most beautiful woman I know) and their foster daughter, Lizzy.  It is Little Roy and Lizzy Bluegrass Festival, and we are doing anything we can to help pull it together.  The festival starts Thursday and ends Saturday (open mike on Wednesday evening).  There is a lot of setup to be done and Richard pitches in wherever he can. 

The only thing I am doing is fixing Cole Slaw and Georgia Cracker Salad for a dinner they are putting on tomorrow night (Tuesday) for anyone who bought a 4-days festival pass.  Fixing two side dishes is a snap compared to some of the things I’ve done before.  Oh, did I mention there will be 150 people attending the dinner?  I will probably be on the way back from Alaska before I get the cabbage I shredded out of some of the places it flew inside the bus.
Until next time,


  1. My grandmother always used to say 'be careful what you pray for -- you just might get it.' Now I can add your corollary to it, be specific what you pray for! At the moment, I'm praying for just the right amount of rain to fall to keep all the green growing things happy, but dry enough for your festival.

  2. I can see it all from your vivid description...but what the heck is Georgia Cracker salad? Take care. Know that homeless man is taken care of, just not in the way we sometimes think. You're doing a great job as usual with your blog. Looking forward to more!
